Monday, March 14, 2011

PAX East Review

Busy weekend with PAX East 2011 in town this weekend. So many exhibits and so many sneak peeks to new games. Also a lot of vendors were showcasing new products and new technology slated for release this year. So much to talk about, where to begin...

The show was extremely filled with people from all over the country. The waiting line to enter the exhibit hall was full each day. Even though I was there way earlier than the doors were opened there must've been a couple hundred people in front of me.

With all the vendors and developers there I was able to preview some of the most anticipated games of the year. The biggest surprise was not from the big players but from the indie publishers there showcasing games for PC/Mac machines, mobile devices, and XBLA and PSN.

The main attraction for me this year was L.A. Noire.

Rockstar built a nice private viewing booth for their showcase. A nice demo of a case in the game was shown to attendees along with some news about the game. One being that the game may take between 25 - 30 hours to complete.

The biggest contender of any new game I played has to be Mortal Kombat.

The game play was solid for the demo. The controls were very responsive. The combos played very much like the older games. The game play almost left you feeling the damage inflicted on the characters. This is definitely the reboot that Mortal Kombat so deserved. If there is a fighting game to get this year it would be this one.

The biggest disappointment came from a game with so much potential.Homefront.

The controls seemed a little stiff and the graphics some what choppy. I will give the game one merit - the intro sequence left me so pissed off at the AI that it made me want to kill them all. The story is going to carry this game.

I will have more specific reviews and dig deeper into some of the releases coming this week so keep your eyes open. In the mean time here are some pictures of this years PAX East.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome coverage man! Cool to see what these nerd conventions look like on the inside.
